Transformation Strijp-S

€ 39,95
From Philips industrial area all the way to creative heart of the city of Eindhoven (Brainport region): this is the result of a complex metropolitan transformation. Strijp-S was Philips’ largest industrial area (27 hectares). It was home to the first glass factory and also the NatLab, the Philips research centre. The first plans for the area, made after Philips had announced it wanted to sell, included words like ‘Agronica’, ‘high tech favela’, ‘groene wig’, ‘Park Strijp’ and ‘Super-village’. In 2003, housing corporation Trudo felt that the Brainport region had a significant need for a metropolitan area. Together with around one hundred creative minds, and with lots of trial and error, this new area has gained its own unique identity, with optimal use of its industrial heritage.
Author Thom Aussems
Author Hans Horsten
Language English
Published 2018
Binding PBK
ISBN 9789462262775
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