The Houses We Live In : An Identification Guide to the History and Style

€ 19,50
This book is a guide to the architectural styles of American houses. Highly illustrated with photographs and overlays to identify key recognition features, it covers a variety of architectural styles from colonial to modern America. In a section by section treatment, The Houses We Live In details how the various styles were developed, its originators and proponents, the main dates when the style was popular, and the main houses and regions that saw the style. Detailed photographs show variations of the style from all angles and close-ups of key points. Contents include: Vernacular architecture (Native American, log cabin, etc.); Colonial; European Revival (Greek, Gothic, etc.); Victorian (Second Empire, Richardson Romanesque, etc.); Pre-WW2 (Neoclassical, Beaux Arts, Tudor, Mediterranean, etc.); and American Modern (Prairie, Craftsman).
Author Jeffery Howe
Language English
Published 2002
Binding HBK
ISBN 9781571458551
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