Suburban Escape. The Art of California Sprawl

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€ 19,50
Suburban Escape presents the work of more than fifty renowned artists who use painting, photography, sculpture, and other media to examine the changes that suburbia has wrought on the physical, political, and social environments of California. The generic blandness of tract-home architecture, the negative and positive environmental impacts of suburban land-use patterns, and suburbs? ever-changing cultural and ethnic demographics become fuel for the artistic imaginations of Ansel Adams and Robert Adams, Jeff Brouws and Fandra Chang, David Hockney and Ed Ruscha, Joel Sternfeld and Lewis Baltz, Laurie Brown and Larry Sultan, Richard Misrach and Camilo José Vergara, and dozens more.
Author Ann M. Wolfe
Author Lucy R. Lippard
Language English
Published 2007
Binding PBK
ISBN 9781930066540
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