Open House : Architecture and Technology for Intelligent Living

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€ 39,50
The miniaturisation and networking of computer processors as well as the digitalisation and wireless transmission of data are opening up fully new possibilities for domestic environments. Yet what consequences will this have on residential architecture? For the exhibition “Open House: Architecture and Technology for Intelligent Living”, emerging architectural firms were invited to develop visionary answers to this question. The architects are based in the USA, Mexico, England, France, Germany, Korea, Japan and Australia. Their extraordinary architectural visions are presented in detail for the first time in this exhibition catalogue. In an introductory essay, Susanne Jaschko, a curator of the exhibition, puts the designs in the context of general tendencies of contemporary architecture. Six further essays delve into the influence of new technologies on residential architecture and life in the home.
Author Hartmut Häusermann
Author Alexander von Vegesack
Language English
Published 2006
Binding PBK
ISBN 9783931936662
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