Ontmoeten en vermijden - Ontwerpen voor een pluri-culturele woonomgeving

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An attractive living environment is extremely important for a neighbourhood’s image. This book is all about the design of space between homes. Landscape architects join design teams to give shape to the space between homes. Yet, the designed areas do not always function well. This is often attributable to the fact that the individual characteristics and the demands and desires of a multicultural society are not taken sufficiently into account. Using locations in Utrecht, The Hague, Amsterdam, Groningen and Dordrecht, sixty design agencies have been wrestling with the question: what are the focal points in designing a contemporary living environment? What does a pluricultural environment actually look like, and what adaptations are needed to prepare existing living environments for the future? This study provides new insights into this issue.
Author Wouter Vanstiphout
Language Nederlands
Published 2006
Binding PBK
ISBN 9789076863368
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