Future Cities - Stories behind the statistics of urbanization and growth

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More than 70 percent of the world’s population will be living in urban areas by 2050. Cities in Africa, Latin America and Asia in particular are growing like never before. Photographer Yvonne Brandwijk and journalist Stephanie Bakker travelled to five of the fastest-growing cities in the world. Not to Mumbai or Shanghai, but to the up-and-coming cultural, creative and economic hubs of tomorrow: Kinshasa, Lima, Yangon, Medellín and Addis Ababa. 
 In this book, they share five years of travel, insights into urban development and encounters with trend-setters, pioneers, visionaries and up-and-coming talent transforming the fortunes of their cities. The personal stories of these people open an intimate window onto the world behind the statistics of urbanisation and growth and provide insights into what it takes to develop inclusive cities that offer space for unique individuals and personal growth

Author Stephanie Bakker
Author Yvonne Brandwijk
Language English
Published 2022
Binding PBK
ISBN 9789492852496
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