Coping with Urban Climates: Comparative Perspectives on Architecture and Thermal Governance (Klima Polis, 2) hardcover

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While 20th century architecture learned to control the climate of a building, the architecture of the 21st century needs to learn to cope with the climate of cities. Problems such as urban heat and air pollution need to be included in planning and design. Based on empirical realities in Cairo, Chongqing, Geneva and Santiago de Chile, the book underlines that the materiality and social practices attached to room heating, compound greening, street alignment or climate policies together form the tissue for contemporary urban climates. It interweaves socio-cultural with meteorological data and pioneers the new concept of "thermal governance" by linking architectural and technological as well as legal and economic dimensions of climate control in urban environments.

Author Sascha Roesler
Author Madlen Kobi
Language English
Published 2022
Binding Hardcover
ISBN 9783035624212
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