Beyond Seun Sangga: 16 Ideas to Go beyond Big Plans

€ 24,35
Seoul’s Seunsangga area comprises seven mixed-use buildings divided between commercial and residential programmes. Opened in 1968, the kilometre-long mega-structure saw a turbulent history and decline, with redevelopment plans drawn up and dismissed through the years. This book presents sixteen critical reflections on large-scale urban plans, focusing on Seunsangga in particular. From their various perspectives, the authors shed light on the potential pitfalls of such developments and possible alternatives. As of 2014, the mayor has reversed the decision to demolish the site, instead choosing to allow the area’s incremental, small-scale development.
Author Sungwoo Kim
Author Young Bum Reigh
Language English
Published 2016
Binding PBK
ISBN 9791187071006
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