A+T 32 Hybrids II

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Specific in their use and design, hybrid structures are able to combine different programmes and encourage a variety of urban uses that blend private activities with the public realm. Building on an earlier volume examining the uses and applications of hybrids, this edition brings together a new collection of ten low-rise, mixed use building projects. Unlike vertical hybrids, these horizontal hybrids are able to disguise themselves in the landscape, separate into independent elements and renounce iconic character in favour of invasive qualities. Illustrated throughout with photographs, technical notes and drawings and computerised images, highlights include: Nieto Sobejano's Neuer Augustinerhof, Nuremberg; OMA's Bryghusprojektet, Copenhagen; Dominique Perrault's EWHA Campus Seoul; EM2N's Toni Areal, Zurich; and Steven Holl Architects' Vanke Centre in Shenzhen.
Author Javier Mozas
Language Engels
Published 2009
Binding PBK
ISBN 11326409
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