Field Guide to the Orchids of Europe and the Mediterranean (Pre-order)

€ 50,00

Field Guide to the Orchids of Europe and the Mediterranean is a comprehensive photographic guide to the orchids of the region written by leading experts, who between them have decades of orchid field and research experience. The book covers orchids from Europe and the Mediterranean, extending to Turkey and the immediate near east of North Africa and Macaronesia.

Many guides to orchids of this region exist, but in this completely revised second edition, the authors have drawn on the latest scientific research to bring clarity to orchid identification and names, with an emphasis on the natural variability that exists in many wild species. This edition incorporates the latest updates in taxonomy. With over 2000 colour photographs and new images, the book provides the reader with an accessible and easy-to-use identification guide to the natural variability seen in these orchids.

Author Henrik Ærenlund Pedersen
Author Phillip Cribb
Language English
Published 2024
Binding PBK
ISBN 9781842468197
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