A Birdwatcher’s Guide to Norway : Where, when and how to find Scandinavia’s most sought-after birds

€ 49,95

A Birdwatcher's Guide to Norway helps you find all the birds of Norway and Svalbard, and guides you in detail to more than 350 of the best birdwatching sites in this beautiful and wild but still highly developed and civilised country. The book explains in detail: where and when to go, what species to expect and hope for! The best tactics to approach each site, how to use tower hides and observation shelters and other animals you may encounter. Norway offers some of the most sought-after species in Europe, including King Eider, Steller’s Eider, Gyrfalcon, displaying Capercaillie, Jack Snipe, Ruff and other Arctic shorebirds in full breeding plumage, singing Little Bunting and Arctic Warbler, and many more.

Author Bjørn Olav Tveit
Language English
Published 2024
Binding PBK
ISBN 9781784275082
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