Japan Architect 107 - Space in Detail

€ 24,90
This special issue introduces the details in 37 recent projects by Japanese architects, with the aim of examining the spatiality of architecture that emerges. Each project is described by its architect, who relates how the intentions of design are instilled in the details. The works are then more physically presented with detail drawings, in which the traces of the architect’s hand remains, as well as photographs of their realisation. Included in the range of featured buildings are shops, museums, houses, sports facilities, and more. Among these are works by Shigeru Ban, Jun Aoki, Atelier Bow-Wow, FT Architects, Toyo Ito, Kazuyo Sejima, Kengo Kuma, and many others.
Language English
Published 2017
Binding PBK
ISBN 4910051331076
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