Almost Home - The Public Landscapes of Gertrude Jekyll

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Kristine Miller is a professor Landscape Architecture at the University of Minnesota and author of Designs on the Public: The Private Lives of New York's Public Spaces.* Her new book will appeal to landscape, garden, and architectural historians for its new information, details about Jekyll's collaboration with the noted architects like Edwin Lutyens, Herbert Baker, and Charles Holden, and never before published original drawings.* Projects: King Edward VII Sanatorium Phillips Memorial Cloister World War I Cemetries Gézaincourt Communal Cemetery Trouville Hospital Cemetery Warlincourt Halte British Cemetery Fienvillers British Cemetery Corbie La Neuville Hersin Communal Cemetery Auchonville Millitary Cemetery Winchester College War Memorial Cloister Delville Wood* "...Jekyll's concept of the English landscape and Englishness, which she refined and promulgated in her writing and photography could be deployed not only within the realm of everyday upper class lives, but as the language of health, the good life, memorial, and tribute."*
Author Kristine F. Miller
Author Marc Treib
Language Engels
Published 2013
Binding HBK
ISBN 9789461400239
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