Illustrated Flora of Alborz mountain range Iran

€ 115,00
The Irano-Anatolian region is a global biodiversity hotspot harbouring an enormous number of plant species and a high proportion of endemics. Alborz is one of the richest mountain ranges of this region with more than 3,600 vascular plant species. Close to 20 years research experience on the flora and vegetation types of this mountain range and adjacent regions gave the authors the opportunity to photograph the plant species of the area and to illustrate them. In this book, a total of 1,584 vascular plant species of Alborz mountain range in 647 genera and 117 families are presented. Of those, 22 species are pteridophytes (in 16 genera and 12 families), eight species are gymnosperms, 242 species are monocotyledons, and 1,312 species are dicotyledons. The order of the families are evolutionary and based on the latest APG classification, but the genera and species are alphabetically arranged. The morphology of each species is briefly described. Moreover, general distribution, habitat types, flowering time and a map showing the distribution range inside of Iran for each species are presented. All photos have been taken in the wild and at natural habitats. In the Introduction of the book, geography, flora and biogeography and different vegetation types of this mountain range are briefly presented. 576 pages with 1584 Plant Species, 2093 Photos and 1584 Distribution maps
Author Jalil Noroozi
Author Amir Talebi
Language English Arabian
Published 2023
Binding HBK
ISBN 9786229367001
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