Glass Ramps / Glass Wall. Deviations from the Normative

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Tschumi's Alfred Lerner Hall is a turbulent mixture of the conventional and the innovative. Its opaque, masonry-clad wings respond to the traditional materials and massing of the Columbia University campus, while its transparently clad middle develops as a spectacular multitiered system of glass ramps. Designed in collaboration with a team of engineers, including Hugh Dutton, the glass ramps and the glass wall are intersupporting. Together they form a central hub of circulation, an event space that registers the dilation and contraction of structural and social flows. In the words of Jesse Reiser, Alfred Lerner Hall 'signals a crucial turning point in Tschumi's oeuvre. While a legacy of built and unbuilt works beginning with the Manhattan Transcripts prioritized the programmatic as an irreducible condition to architecture, Lerner Hall inverts this logic, foregrounding physicality instead.' Glass Ramps/Glass Wall documents in full the making of this complex building, from early concept sketches to structural diagrams and final construction photos.
Author Bernard Tschumi
Author Hugh Dutton
Language English
Published 2001
Binding PBK
ISBN 9781902902005
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