El Croquis - Christian Kerez (1992-2015)

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€ 108,75

A special hardcover edition examines more than two decades of practice by Swiss architect Christian Kerez. Presented are 26 varied projects, including education, housing, and commercial and public functions. The Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, the Flemish Radio and Television Headquarters (VRT), the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Muttenz, and Werkbund Wiesenfeld Residential Estate are among the notable works. Essays, the architect’s own photographs, and two conversations (with Georg Franck and with Catherine Dumont D’Ayot, Anh-Linh Ngo, and Nikolai von Rosen) add critical depth to this analysis of one who sees his work as an “adventure”.

Language English/Spanish
Published 2022
Binding Hardcover
ISBN 9788412333169
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