Vesper No. 8 - Vesper

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The eighth issue of “Vesper” is dedicated to the theme Vesper, and therefore calls for a double mirror: one inherent in the figure of the number eight and the other found in the contents and the name of the volume that contains them. Vespers and the design of time, twilight, the duality of West and East, the double as a condition and as a strategy, Venus and Venice, the sunset as a propitious direction, the drawing of shadows, camouflage, Vesper Lynd and the Vesper cocktail (both inventions from the pen of Ian Fleming) are the constellation points that propagate from the term vesper and that “Vesper” 8 plans to illuminate.
Author Universita Iuav di Venezia eds.
Language English / Italian
Published 2023
Binding PBK
ISBN 9788822920645
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