Posthuman Architectures : Theories, Designs, Technologies and Futures

€ 39,50

From the detail to the interplanetary, and from real and fictional designs and spaces to more proleptic universe-building futures, the issue describes and speculates on these spectacular and shocking new species. It envisions the Posthuman through the array of emerging technologies, and features original contributions from academics, professionals, design studios and related disciplines and domains. These new spaces include the full electromagnetic spectrum and present new entanglements of Posthuman theories and technologies. Contributors: Mario Carpo; Paul Dobraszczyk; Alberto Fernandez; Ariane Harrison; Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger and Olga Bannova; Steven Hutt; Xavier de Kestelier, Levent Ozruh and Jonathan Irwan; Sylvia Lavin; Jacopo Leveratto; Tyson Hosmer, Roberto Bottazzi and Mollie Claypool; Colbey Reid and Dennis Weiss; Andrew Witt; and Brent Sherwood.

Author Mark Garcia
Language English
Published 2024
Binding PBK
ISBN 9781394170036
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