Basics Design - Climate-Smart Desig and Construction

€ 24,00

The construction sector currently accounts for a high proportion of CO2 emissions and gray energy use. This will have to change fundamentally if we are to prevent catastrophic climate change and make urban planning and construction fit for the future. In addition to a paradigm shift in how architects work, we need to rethink how they are trained in higher education. Based on a lifecycle approach and an awareness of resource consumption, this volume in the Basics series explains a wide range of climate-friendly concepts in an easy-to-understand way, inspiring readers to take a closer look at solutions and new approaches in their daily practice. The key factors involved in the various planning stages of buildings are presented and placed in the context of the overall planning.

Author Bert Bielefeld
Language English
Published 2024
Binding PBK
ISBN 9783035627565
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